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A member registered Nov 24, 2020

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better break bad



ew you can't speak boyfriend

Thanks! i didnt want to waste alot of time waiting for it to load

pls tell me

I got it on linux, played it for a bit, then closed linux. Later I tried playing again, then an error popped up. I searched it on google and it means that your linux is fricked.

ok. did ninja muffin say it will be on friday?

does anyone know?

that frying pan tho...

this came straight from 2012 

did you copy and paste that or type it and spend the time to do it. I know about the kirby lore as well but why did you talk about kirby? it's so random

also this is a poopy moment

just think about it for a moment on how it used to be and how it is now.

when the impostor is sus ඞ

I mean, that is true, but why not in a rule 34 website?

just stop this please

tbh, it would probably not get on switch because it's only on and newgrounds

nope not a joke 100% real no texture packs no commands not clickbait

thank you, steve from minecraft

please stop it and get help

yes, "weak", not week 

it just randomly stopped working on chromebook no matter how long I wait it stops at 97% sooner or later. i've even tried waiting from morning to night and it was still at 97

I saw a post saying it might come yesterday, next week, or early april

(1 edit)

I meant it lol

what is i

why is this community so salty

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